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Adonai's Being of Light Welcomes You

Adonai's Introduction Gateway

You are here for a reason.  Adonai's knowledge will arrest fearful feelings in your portal, cheerfully channeled through A Being of Light.  Adhere to grateful feelings as healing is administered and filling of appeasing energy offering begins.  Choosing to annihilate kept energy that is only harmful begets healthy energy in enthusiastic finish of health woes.

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Heavy and failing energy fights against your health every day.  Figuring out how to fill your body with healing will align you with angelic healing light needed to restore good health.  Finding answers can be very difficult in traditional medicine fighting for efficient care, in essence giving away any sense of hailed intuition.  A healthy effort is an efficiently fighting force of higher beings of light from gateways of light.  Find feelings of gratitude thus allowing higher beings entrance into your portal, feeding you healing light in gateways of light.  Fill fight/might and grateful feelings into your portal healing aforementioned heavy and failing energy.     Effort in healing also includes nutritional guidance coupled with either a dietary plan or elimination of certain foods that are toxic to your body.  Finding a certain issue is an honor for A Being of Light and for her Spirit Guides.  Efficiency is her aim as feedings of light jettison healing for you.  A first in intuitive healing, A Being of Light is grateful for the opportunity to announce her services online, a finding even surprising her!

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Higher beings of light cannot be held liable for any illness or injury as happening following assistance in healing (fashioned from information given in aforementioned hearing from higher beings as applied to diet changes, feeding hailing Adonai's creation, and filling portals with healing light).  A Being of Light is not to be used as a replacement for any licensed healthcare or medical professional.

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