Nooks are heart lines of noise (assigned nipped adherence to oiling cogs of FEAR). Nooks form as deep nascent kept trauma begets a beginning of heaped opposition to eagerly heart heal from a deep past trauma. Nine Portals of Being of Light offer a journey to befitting Gateway of Heart Healing (noisily fanning flame of Jacie, offering relegation of fear as fighting to face gagged arrival of a Being of Light's healing practice).
Face of Being of Light digs out fear that enslaves heart garrison to kept trauma as, effectively, assisting Jacie (warrior for deep nascent fear exit from all Humanity's portals) to find accepting garrison of kept trauma (old trauma now enslaved in heart) and journey flow to exit... offering the peace to finally heal.
A Being of Light journeyed to Gateway of Nine Portals to nook affixed picked Jacie as ceiling of fear broke, forging garrison to Adonai's healer, Dharpeo. Fabulous is nipped affixed portal of Nine as Being of Light's own healing opportunely filled all Humanity's portals with heaped healing light. Face of organic journey of Being of Light not only filled her portal with heart healing but filled open portals with good noise of gratitude for Adonai's creation.